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342 County Highway 25, West Winfield, NY 13491 | | 315 527 4675 EXHIBITIONS 

Solo Exhibitions


“The Nature of Pear” Outlander Gallery, Jersey City, NJ 


“The Forest” Clinton Public Library, Clinton, NY 


"Daylight" Rome Art and Community Center, Rome, N.Y. 


"Illuminated Spirit" The Other Side Galley, Utica N.Y. October 

"Persons and Personalities" Hamilton Center for the Arts, Hamilton, NY 

"Bubble Gum and Beaches" the Dev, Utica N.Y. - May 


"Sticks in the Mud" (with Amy Ruckel) Yorkville Art and Frame, Yorkville, N.Y. 2011 

"Incidental Rhetoric" Utica Public Library, Utica, N. Y. 

"In The Margins" Hamilton Center for the Arts, Hamilton, N.Y. 


"Figure Heads" Utica Public library, Utica, N.Y. 


"Reprint" Neptune Studio, Utica, N.Y. 


"Prints" Camille Design, Seattle, W. A. 

"One Woman - Angie" Wild Woman Galley, Kent, W. A. 

"Renaissance Chick" Sev Shoon Arts Center, Seattle, W.A. 


"One Woman -Michelle", The Wild Rose, Seattle, W. A. 

"Sisters" Sev Shoon Arts Center, Seattle, W. A. 


"Female Form" Sunlight Cafe, Seattle, W. A. 

Juried Group Exhibitions 1996 - 2020

"Small Works" Kirkland Art Center, Clinton, NY 

"Annual Exhibit", Utica Art Association, Utica N.Y. 

Various exhibits, Resonance Center, Utica N.Y. 

"Mirror, Mirror - Interpretation of Self-Reflection" Astra Design Gallery, Richmond, VA

"True Art" Tacoma Art Museum, Tacoma, W. A. 

"Annual Exhibit" Academy of Realist Art, Seattle W. A. 

"Annual Exhibit" Project 416, Seattle W. A. 

"Printmakers" Munson/Pratt, Utica N.Y. 

FIT Senior exhibit Shirley Goodman Gallery, NYC, N.Y. 

"Moretocome" 2/20 Gallery, NYC, N.Y.


b.1963, Herkimer, NY. 

Currently residing in Richfield, NY, Jan Burke holds an AAS in Fine Arts from the Fashion Institute of Technology, New York, NY and an AAS Advertising Design and Production, as well as a Certificate in Photography, from MVCC, Utica, NY, with a BA in Fine Art and Communication Design from Empire State College, Saratoga, NY. 

In addition to her formal training, Burke has studied under Charles Emerson, William Elston and Dionne Haroutunian; Seattle, WA based artists, and James McDermid, of Rome, NY, focusing on painting, printmaking and sculpture. 

Burke has always been interested in discovering and revealing the beauty in everyday life and the human condition. Her style and the subjects she chooses are indicative of a contemporary Ashcan approach to making art. She strives to distill the mundane into a pure and divine concentration of humanity.

Her mediums include Oil and Acrylic Painting, Printmaking, Sculpture, and Drawing. 

Community Projects: Owner/Director; Neptune Studio, Utica, NY, Producer; Art Studio Tour/Guide, Mohawk Valley, NY, Co-Director; The Other Side Gallery, Utica, NY, Studio Assistant Hamilton Center for the Arts, Hamilton, NY, Stage Assistant the Little Theater, Ilion, NY. 

Burke is currently re-organizing Neptune Studio and Gallery, as an Art Retreat, on her family farm in Richfield.

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